Sunday, July 31, 2011

When all that glitters IS gold!

I came across this "Peter at the Pearly Gates" joke recently and it has become one of my favourites:

A wealthy man was dying. All his life he had cared more about his fortune than in anything else, even family relationships. Yet, now, alone and on his deathbed, he faced the reality that he could not take it all with him in the afterlife. He felt miserable and even resorted to praying to God.

An angel heard him and decided to speak to him. As expected, the angel said: "Sorry, you can't take your wealth with you."

The man then begged and begged the angel to speak to God and see if an exception could be made for him (haha, you must be wondering how such a man could be a candidate for the Pearly Gates, but do suspend your unbelief...).

The angel decided to humour him, and lo and behold, the next day reappeared and told the man: "OK, God will allow you to carry one suitcase with you. Remember, just one suitcase and you can put anything in it."

Frail as he was, the ailing man got up and, struggling, filled his suitcase with all the goldbars he could find, figuring that these would be more useful than other valuables or money.

Then he died with a smile on his face.

He next found himself at the Pearly Gates, with Saint Peter looking quizzically at him and his bag. "You can't take that into Heaven," the saint snapped.

The man smugly explained that he had permission. Saint Peter got on the line to God, then a surprised look appeared on his face before he spoke again: "OK, you are allowed to bring your bag in. But may I see what's inside?"

"Sure," was the triumphant reply.

Saint Peter opened the bag, curious to see what worldly items were deemed so precious in, of all places, Heaven. When he saw the goldbars, he burst out laughing. Some angels nearby came over and they too burst into peals of laughter.

You brought pavement!" Saint Peter said to the man.

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