Saturday, June 29, 2013

How smart are dogs? You'd be surprised...

Minding your pees (cont'd)

I forgot to include this pic in yesterday's "toilet signs" segment...

...which of course contradicts this other pic which I had posted yesterday:


Whether you are a dog person or not, do watch this fascinating Nova Science Now video!

How Smart Are Dogs?

Thanks to research by scientists interested in studying "dog cognition" (dognition), humans are beginning to better understand these "furkids" better. Watch this series of short videos from this website called Dognition:

As a result, I'm beginning to appreciate my 16-year-old beagle, Brady, better as a once "self-reliant" dog, ie, he is now old but because he is set in his ways as a self-reliant dog, he is not an easy to handle dog now. Killer (nine years old) the mini schnauzer, on the other hand, is a "collaborative" dog, always looking out for the human cues to shape his responses. Both are, of course, adorable.

Brady on wheels!

Brady now needs to be "wheeled" around when we take him (and Killer) down to poop:

I found this other video of someone else who needed to take his old dog around "on wheels":


Finally, these two Animal Planet videos highlight the attributes of beagles and mini schnauzers:

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