Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Photobombed (and other wacky) pics!


In an earlier blog entry, I referred to the buzzword "photobomb". Here's a definition:

I suppose many of us would have been guilty of "photobombing" even before that word had been coined, as when we stuck two fingers behind someone else's head during a group photo session. I think this example, found online, is very good!...

The Internet is full of websites with such pics, for example:


Someone posted this pic of cows in a car...

It appears to be a true story... of modern-day Malaysian cattle rustlers cramming three cows in a Proton Wira car last year!

How many cows can you fit in a Wira?

If I were copyediting that story, I would have given it this headline...

Moo-ve over, Lamborghini. This is the Lembu-ghini! 

Finally, here are a few more wacky pics:

So that's how pandas do it?

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