Sunday, January 19, 2014

What's new, pussy cat?

I don't usually blog about cats, but this ST headline this past week caught my attention:

If I didn't then learn that Pussy Riot is a Russian all-women pop group, my mind would have been filled with all kinds of thoughts. One of these conjectures of mine would have been that the country was being overrun by cats! As if to prove that such a possibility exists, at least on the offshore island of St John's, this story appeared in today's Sunday Times:

Frankly, I don't think the headline above works; it is too contrived. But the story and this quote...

... provides some basis for the possibility of a pussy riot on St John's Island some time in the future, if nothing is done about it. I had never thought that cats can multiply like rabbits. I seem to be wrong, as this table I found online seeks to show:

Wow! Or should it be... Meow!

Next, I thought this Mickey Mouse-like outfit (pic below) for a men's fashion show was really ridiculous (haha... Brains = 0). I don't blame the model though; he's just doing his job...

The wire story on this fashion event can be read here:


Still on fashion, or what passes for it, this other wire story exposes one clothing store's desperate bid to grab attention:

Here's the story:


Finally, I must take along a magnetic compass the next time I take Brady and Killer down to the grass area to poop (always with plastic disposal bags at hand, of course):

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