Thursday, June 7, 2012

Warm fuzzies for her; will there be any for him?

Press to have your say!
Predictably, everyone's having his/her say about the young woman Singaporeans now call the Sticker Lady.

You're hearing it all on the radio, watching it on TV, and reading it in print and online. It'll build up until she's charged, and will likely continue after that. I think she should copyright her sticker slogans... the marketing people are already sniffing out the money-making possibilities. With apologies to Superman, here's my own ode to her:

Faster than a speeding Ferrari
(well, until she got nabbed)
More creative than ad writers
Able to paint "Grandfather Road" in a single stroke
She's... Sticker Lady!


Why press so late, he fumes
While many people have the warm fuzzies towards the Sticker Lady (there's a fairly big picture of her in today's ST, Home, page B8), there might be mixed feelings about a young man who struck at an old woman in a bus, causing her to fall onto the road.

The reason for the unprovoked attack? She was slow in pressing the buzzer to exit, and the bus had starting moving off. But this man was not the driver, who did stop for her. There's a video of what happened in this story (originally a New Paper story)...

On his Facebook page, the man says he has a history of anger management issues, and indeed his high-pitched rants on the video clip seem to indicate that he needs help. But I think many people will expect the police to act even though the man claims the old woman has since agreed "to drop the matter". As with the Sticker Lady saga, this story ain't over yet.

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