Friday, November 16, 2012

The beauty is a beast, and other quirky stuff...

Singapore, they say, is a fine city. Fines are imposed for all sorts of "inappropriateness", such as this one, spotted at an overhead pedestrian bridge:

Leaving aside the fine being pretty hefty ($1,000!), a ride down looks daunting:

But someone must have tried such a stunt, hence the sign. Meanwhile, there is at least one place (there are more, I'm sure) where walking is not allowed:

But I guess running, handstanding, breakdancing, cartwheeling, etc, within the bus park is okay. Just don't walk, hor.

Turning to product labels, when it comes to the crunch, take on the outrageous salad:

And if the supply of "unnatural" raisins has run out, heck, just use the natural stuff:

Or real apples, in the case of cider:

They got it wrong when they asked, "If pigs can fly"? It's fish that can fly, and this one below is not even a flying fish...

This bottle's label is intriguing...

 Food (for humans) that comes from "essence of plant"? Haha, here's the full label:

This "beast" is a "beauty"?...

Kiasu parents will lap up this ad, for their kids...

It must be an ad drawn up a crafty legal mind... none of the statements above actually connect to each other, so there's no cause-and-effect claim that's being made.

If this call for volunteer research participants is to be believed, there are "males and females of childbearing potential" AND "males and females of non-childbearing potential"...

Free parents are available in this ad below:


Finally, remember that site? It has some quirky "mug shots":

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