Friday, May 31, 2013

These did not work; but these worked...

Sex does not always sell...

At least when you try to make an acronym -- SEX -- out of it. The Philippine Health Department came up with the SEX tagline, which stood for "Stress-free, Eat the right foods and Exercise", to encourage the country's army of call centre workers to lead healthier lifestyles.

The call centre workers were not amused, and the campaign was scrapped. Which meant that headlines like this one below never made it to print:

Call centre agents need to have more SEX:
Department of Health 

Read the AFP story here:


The worst Singapore campaign songs...

Hot on the heels of the fiasco over water agency PUB's Water Wally video, compiled a list of campaign efforts that "bombed" (with videos embedded in the story below):


This headline lost it...

One should never try to be too clever when a story is a tragic one, like the one above, for one newspaper's front page display. The actual story inside the newspaper (page 2) did use the right word: decapitated...


Now for the stuff that worked...

Nice little story, nice headline


Excellent local cartoon strip!...


And a headline that goes very well with the picture (and story)...


Finally, it is sad when the foreign press do not live up to the principle of balanced reporting:

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