Saturday, June 11, 2011

Labour chiefs bound for world meet

It's back to my favourite pastime... corny stuff:

A man went to see his psychiatrist. He said, "I keep repeating these two words, 'tepee, wigwam' over and over again." The doctor, just as nutty, pondered for a while, then exclaimed: “Aha, I got it! Too tense.” [from Angie]
A shoplifter  was caught with a stolen calendar. She got 12 months. [from Liane]

Two loitering youths were caught by the police late one night. One was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. The police charged one and let the other off. [from Kim Ann]
A hole was found at one part of a wall surrounding a private nudist colony. Police are looking into it.
A bungling thief was caught red-handed, blue-handed, green-handed, etc. He had tried to burgle a paint shop at night and he stumbled into some opened paint cans.
Doctor, doctor. I think I’m at death’s door. “Don’t worry, I’ll pull you through.”
The little boy was telling lies again. His mum warned him: “Another lie, and I’ll make you eat your words.” The liitle boy started: “Ice cream, fries…”
... and from today's Straits Times (11 June, page B9), this double entendre headline:
"Labour chiefs bound for world meet"
[Guess these union guys must have hated to go there... venue was Tripoli, Libya?] 

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