Sunday, June 19, 2011

What those terms on your appraisal report really mean

Some time ago, I came across this spoof Human Resource code for performance appraisal reports.

1. Outgoing personality: Always going out of the office.
2. Great presentation skills: Able to bullshit.
3. Good communication skills: Spends lots of time on the phone.
4. Work is first priority: No social life.
5. Active socially: Drinks a lot.
6. Independent worker: Nobody knows what he/she does here.
7. Quick thinking: Always offering plausible excuses.
8. Careful thinker: Won't make a decision.
9. Uses logic when given difficult assignments: Gets someone else to do it.
10. Meticulous attention to details: Nit picker. 
11. Exceptionally good judgment: Lucky.
12. Keen sense of humour: Knows a lot of dirty jokes.
13. Career-minded: Back stabber.
14. Loyal: Can't get a job elsewhere.
15. Plans for his/her promotion: First to buy the drinks especially when the boss is present.
16. Of great value to the organisation: Gets to work on time.
17. Relaxed attitude: Sleeps at desk.

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