Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cheeky, cocksure and... a Yam Ah Mee video mash-up reprised!

We have a new elected president (hmmm, I wonder how speakers who mix up their l's and their r's -- as in "flied lice" -- are gonna pronounce this term?).

Okay, it's time to move on, in my next posting. But, for now, here's a refreshing local website to check out:

Its lead article when I looked it up today is "Singapore has elected a new president in the form of Tony Tan..."

It is worth a read because of its cheeky style, without the "baggage" of TRE-type writing, and when you think about it, the points that the writer, Belmont Lay, make, are sensible ones.

In the same cheeky vein, the site takes a serious story and spins a cocky write-up complete with this headline, "Man dies after cock penetrated his leg, severing vein". Here it is:

Finally, the site even points to a YouTube mash-up reprise of Mr Yam Ah Mee's now famous role as the Returning Officer. A bit long but if you are a YAM fan, watch it till you get bored!

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