Friday, August 19, 2011

Hello, orang, u a Tan or what? Never mind, run for your life!

Wow, there's a lot of stuff going on about the coming presidential election, including what the candidates are saying. Take your pick of sources: the mainstream media or social media.

But you gotta do it yourself! (If you look hard enough, you might even find comic relief in a fake poster going round with a fifth "Tan" on the slate.)

For today's posting, I'm returning to a health-issue topic. There is this Bloomberg News story that says exercising for just 15 minutes a day can add three years to a person’s life expectancy. Even low levels of physical activity, such as brisk walking -- which I do, yeah! -- can be beneficial.

A Taiwanese study, published in the Lancet medical journal this month, and involving more than 400,000 people, found that those who exercised for 90 minutes a week were also 14 per cent less likely to have died after eight years than those who were inactive. Every extra 15 minutes of exercise reduced the risk by a further 4 per cent.

The study shows that even a small amount of exercise can lower an individual’s risk of death and disease.

So, now that my nasty cold and coughing bouts are behind me, I'll be back to walking the talk. 

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