Saturday, November 3, 2012

May the paws be with you (part 2)...

Still on "fur kids", some owners go over the moon so much so that they had mooncakes baked for their beloved pooches:

Meanwhile, fond as I am of my dogs, I would rephrase parts of the text below...

Fur kids and your bed

There are dog owners here who let their dogs sleep on their bed...

But experts say letting a furry one sleep on your bed will not necessarily...


Dog-xology 101

Dogs are fascinating. Just read this "study" titled "The Science of Dogs":

Or this "thesis" on the efficacy of dog whistles...

Snoopy is an institution, beloved by many people who follow his every exploit:

But have you ever seen a real beagle atop its kennel? Here's one!...

I came across this illustration in a flyer for a Readers' Digest book promo:

Finally, to all of us who think we "own" our dogs, sorry, here's the truth of the matter:



Thanks, Liane. for contributing (under Comments) to my list of "May the ------ be with you". Love 'em! Angie too, for putting hers on Facebook (Chef: "May the sauce be with you").

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