Friday, June 10, 2011

The EP -- standing up for Singapore

So, who wants to be the Elected President (EP), with an annual salary of $4 million-plus (as it now stands, before the pending salary review)?

Apart from his role as a diplomat, the EP has a clearly defined role in the political system here, says former Senior Minister S. Jayakumar, who was involved in the crafting of the legislation for the EP.

As quoted in Today (10 June, page 4), Professor Jayakumar said: "Some of [the] statements [of aspiring candidates] seem to imply that the President is a centre of power and to himself distinct from the government of the day and implies he has certain executive powers. This is not the case."

Prof Jayakumar said the EP does have some discretionary custodial powers, mainly in the protection of reserves and key appointments, and some custodial powers in ISA [Internal Security Act] detentions, CPIB [Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau] investigations and Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act restraining orders.

But even in those few areas (emphasis mine), the President has no power to initiate decisions or policy. He only has blocking powers. In all other areas, the President under the Constitution must act on the advice of the Cabinet, Prof Jayakumar added.

Meanwhile, in a commentary on the EP's role (8 June, page A2), ST's Deputy Political Editor Lydia Lim used this analogy: "Think about the soldiers who stand guard at the Istana's main gate. Unless something out of the ordinary -- such as a fight or a fire -- breaks out, their job is to stand guard and not move from their post.

"That this is unusual is borne out by the curiosity that children display around such sentries, because they are not used to seeing someone stand so still for so long while other people are rushing about doing things."

Well, the incumbent has been doing this unusual job for the past 12 years (two terms), a long-standing stint, eh? So, who gets to have a crack at it next? We will know by August.            

1 comment:

  1. "They also serve who only stand and wait" - John Milton
