Saturday, April 14, 2012

Some days, the driver just wished he had stayed home!

Q: When is the right turn the wrong turn?
A: When you should have made a left turn!

So, did the bus driver in this AP story below (published in TODAY) make a left or a right turn?

When the press bus took a wrong turn in Pyongyang ...
(TODAY, 14 Apr, page 3)
PYONGYANG -- The press bus took a wrong turn on Thursday (12 Apr). And suddenly, everything changed in the official showcase of North Korean achievement.

A cloud of brown dust swirled down deeply pot-holed streets, past concrete apartment buildings crumbling at the edges. Old people trudged along the sidewalk, some with handmade backpacks crafted from canvas bags. Two men in wheelchairs waited at a bus stop.

Ordinary North Koreans stared unabashedly at the 50 or so foreign reporters on a rare trip to this secretive, autocratic nation.

"Perhaps this is an incorrect road?" mumbled one of the North Korean minders, well-dressed government officials who restrict reporters to meticulously staged presentations that inevitably centre on praise for the three generations of the Kim family who have ruled this country since 1948.

So as cameras madly clicked, the drivers quickly backed up the three buses in the narrow streets and headed toward the intended destination: A spotlessly clean, brightly lit, extensively marbled and nearly empty building that preserves digital music recordings and makes DVDs.


I hope the hapless driver gets to go home to his family. Meanwhile, the saying "the luck of the Irish" seemed to have found amazing expression in this series of pics, purportedly of an incident at a pierside in Ireland in 2004:

A car had fallen into the water, and a crane was sent in to recover it...

Oops! Both the crane and the car toppled into the water. So, a larger crane was sent over, and yup, you guessed what happened next...

But did this bizarre series of bad luck really happen? Snopes did a check, and here is its finding:

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