Monday, April 8, 2013

I hate Windows 8... #%$^&*()!!

I have joined the ranks of those who think Microsoft really sucks. This is an update (my tweak) of a joke I found online:

The End of Days

God was fed up. In a crash of thunder he yanked up to Heaven three influential humans: Barack Obama, Vladmir Putin, and Bill Gates. "The human race is a complete disappointment," God boomed. "You each have one week to prepare your followers for the end of the world." With another crash of thunder they found themselves back on Earth.

Obama called his cabinet. "I have good news and bad news," he announced grimly. "The good news is that there is a God. The bad news is, God's really mad and plans to end the world in a week." In Russia, Putin announced to parliament, "I have bad news and worse news. The bad news is that we were wrong: there is a God after all. The worse news is God's mad and is
going to end the world in a week."

Meanwhile, Bill Gates called a meeting of his top engineers. "I have good news and better news. The good news is that God considers me one of the three most influential men on Earth," he beamed. "The better news is we don't have to make Windows 8 user-friendly, especially to those suckers who bought laptops without the touchscreen feature!"


I also found these...


Finally, one more joke to wrap up...

Windows 8 Engineer's 'Solution'

Three engineers are in a car; an electrical engineer, a chemical engineer and the Microsoft software engineer who came up with Windows 8.

Suddenly the car just stops by the side of the road, and the three engineers look at each other wondering what could be wrong.

The electrical engineer suggests stripping down the electronics of the car and trying to trace where a fault might have occurred. The chemical engineer, not knowing much about cars, suggests that maybe the fuel is becoming emulsified and getting blocked somewhere.

But it is the Microsoft engineer, who despite not knowing much about anything, comes up with this suggestion, "Why don't we close all the windows, get out, get back in, open the windows again, and maybe it'll work. If it does not, we'll repeat those steps all over again -- until BSD* strikes!"


*BSD = Blue Screen of Death.

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