Thursday, July 12, 2012

D is for delightful. D can also mean dumb... or Don't sit on your ass for too long!

Having blogged about the king of tropical fruits yesterday made me want to eat the stuff today. I was at Beauty World for roti prata lunch and there was a durian vendor at the basement level! I didn't want his D24 offering at $30 a box so I settled for what he had labelled "D2" for $10 a box. I bought two boxes:

We ate up the contents of one box after dinner. Good choice; fragrant and sweet but not overpowering. Mostly small seeds too:

Our two dogs, Brady and Killer, love durians. Here they are, eating out of my hands:


I hardly read the thumbnail reviews on the TV pages of the newspapers. But I happened to see these two items in TODAY (12 July):

JOYS OF LIFE (Channel 8, 9pm)
Yi Duo is depressed about Rou Rou and starts drinking. Yin Jiao tells him off. He answers back and rides off in a huff on his bicycle [Let me guess... that's the tail-end of this episode. Clad only in a singlet and shorts, he rides off into the sunset but ominous dark storm clouds have started to build up...]

Dr Baldev Chaddha runs a fertility clinic and a sperm bank in Dariyagnj. Unfortunately, he has more failure cases to his credit than successes. A healthy, high-performing donor is what he needs. As luck would have it, Dr Chaddha concludes that Vicky could be the donor he has been looking for.
EROS Bollywood (mio TV Ch 665),
Anytime on Demand
[Er, now I'm not sure if Vicky is a gal or a guy (sperm donor)! And EROS Bollywood plus Anytime on Demand!!] 


One more funny story, from AFP and taken from

South African farmer equips sheep with cell phones


Last item (also AFP) is a serious one, a health tip courtesy of today's Mind Your Body magazine supplement:

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