Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Still on toothpaste...

I used to wonder how did cavemen and cavewomen stand each other's bad breath. Maybe the first version of a certain expression was "Not tonight, darling, I have a toothache", used circa 10,000 BC.

Darlie was once called Darkie but political correctness led to the name change and to the image illustration too (see link and pic below):


And my first encounter with a fake product was a toothpaste brand called Goldgate.

This link below is an interesting take on the history of toothpaste:


For instance...

"In 23 - 79 AD the practice of oral hygiene included:
  • Drinking goats milk for sweet breath
  • Ashes from burnt mice heads, rabbits heads, wolves heads, ox heels and goats feet were thought to benefit the gums. (This probably wouldn't go over very well today)
  • Picking the bones out of wolves excrement and wearing them (maybe in the form of a necklace?) was considered to be a form of protection against toothaches
  • Washing your teeth with the blood from a tortoise three times a year was a sure bet against toothaches as well
  • Mouthwashes were known to consist of pure white wine, or (get ready for this one) old urine kept especially for this purpose."

From insing.com is this account of a courageous woman who fought back against a cyber-harasser:


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