Tuesday, July 3, 2012

'Lost in translation' signs

The signspotter in me could not resist having snapshots taken of what I'll dub "lost in translation" signs in the places I visited during my Baltic cruise. It's a gas, this one below...

This pic was snapped at Stockholm's port. As the English rendition on the sign suggests, it means "exit". But, apparently, when uttered in the Swedish accent, it sounds like "good fart"! Way out, man.


This sign above was seen at Odense, Denmark. Singaporeans, you've found your match. Danes, with their unrelenting Viking heritage, apparently don't just shop till they drop!


I can't recall where I took this pic above but it might be outside Tallinn, Estonia's capital. It is a warning sign but of what? Something to do with the sales pitch of this  local ad below?...


Of course, there has to be the de rigueur Chinese takeaway sign, as seen in this pic from Rostock, Germany. So, that's how they say fastfood noodles... "nudelexpress".


Back home, I was all cracked up by this cheeky pizza poster ad I saw at Great World City:

Reminds me of a private joke about this well-known saying, best rendered in caps: "MEN RISE AT THE CRACK OF DAWN".

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