Friday, April 26, 2013

Asking questions...

The usual ASEAN photo-op will show all 10 leaders already linking hands. But, somehow, they weren't quite ready when this photo was taken. I thought it was quite an apt commentary. though, on the state of disunity within the regional bloc vis-a-vis China despite this ST headline's protestations:


ANZAC Day is an important commemoration. But looking at the picture below...

... I asked this question: "Why are foreign military personnel allowed to carry arms in what is a Singapore public place? I have no issues with their presence, which is appropriate given the occasion. But foreign troops bearing arms in Singapore is, to me, an extra-territorial issue.


Why would anyone deface a monument like the Cenotaph (first pic below)? There has been at least one previous defilement of this commemoration of our war dead (second pic):

There seems to be a belief that it was a young man who carried out the recent act of vandalism, presumably because a man wearing a sweatshirt with a hoodie and carrying a backpack was spotted hurrying away. But I guess until there is an arrest and conviction, we cannot be sure, despite the story below:


On the subject of youth, employers now worry about Generation Y's work ethic...


In Hong Kong, they are starting to worry about even younger ones...

Hmm. Hong Kong and Singapore have many similarities. Should someone be carrying out a similar study here?


Finally, we may have to go back beyond babyhood -- back to the womb! -- to find hope in humanity's future...

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