Sunday, April 21, 2013

Missile envy...

There's this old Jay Leno joke about Kim Jong Il (current North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's father who died in December 2011):

"Kim Jong Il raises money by selling fake Viagra pills. What is it about this guy? None of his missiles seem to launch!"

Well, North Korea is back in the news, after having been virtually ignored in the past week as more dramatic news took precedence. The latest reports say Pyongyang seems to be preparing two more missiles for possible launch. But these may be Scuds, which are pretty vintage and in the short-range class:

The News.Com.Au story above has a very informative graphic, which notes that the North and South Korean militaries are the fifth and sixth largest in the world.


As usual, during the week just past, the North has been in full blustery mode:

Hmm, just sledgehammers, not missiles?

US President Barack Obama, meanwhile, downplayed the North's ability to mount a nuclear warhead atop any of its missiles -- yet.


Singapore schools -- with both the Korean peninsula situation and the bird flu scare in China -- are not taking chances, though...

But this student, from a premier school no less, isn't even sure if he should be worried about the bird flu situation in China. It's also a case of "Why think? The government will do it for me, and STOP me"...


Finally, this pic -- which someone posted on Facebook -- tells the young Un what the world thinks of him!

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