Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Funny names...

In Guangzhou, China, I am told, there is this hotel...

As they say, honesty is the best policy. There are even stranger hotel names, as compiled in this list below...


In Indonesia, "feeling amorous" seems to go industrial quantity? You might come across trucks loading up on huge amounts of, yes, semen...

Loads and loads of the stuff even comes from factories like this one...

Okay, I'll come clean... "semen" in Bahasa Indonesia is "cement". Now you know!

Back in Singapore, there is a brand of handbags called "Hilly" (I don't know why this strange brand name was chosen)...

Even stranger still is this condominium project (unless the developer had wanted to name it "The Hilly" but found the name taken already)...

 So, is there a "hilliest" somewhere out there? Yes, you can even sit on it (but it is misspelled)!...

Another local condo developer called its project "Q Bay Residences". But where's the bay, since the nearest water feature is a reservoir!...

I am not sure if someone brushing his or her teeth will be having "amorous feelings" (unless one is staying at the Amorous Feelings Hotel). But this ad below wants you to "feel Japan", whatever that means!...

Back to handbags... there's one type described as "chapati", which is the flat Indian bread. At least there's some logic to this naming. When folded, it is circular, like the chapati...

 Finally, Singaporeans are such consummate foodies that there's even a brand of pork luncheon meat that conforms to the "Singapore recipe" (again, whatever that is)...


  1. For the "Hillier" condo development, it could be asked, "hillier" than what? Or even, "hillier" than thou?

  2. oh yes, nick, you've inspired a doggerel:
    a man asks his wife, how 'bout the hillier?
    to which she replies, you can't be sillier
    no, dear, he retorts, i'm not sillier than thou
    her riposte, said with verve, 'i'm hillier than thou'
