Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday funnies...

Are there plans to roll out big condoms (meaning these are big condoms, man)? Or are there big plans to roll out condoms (meaning "ramping up the production of condoms)?

You decide, after reading the story:

Look out for the picture of a worker randomly "testing out" condoms as they come off (the condoms, that is) the production line.

And there's this cheeky quote from the factory boss himself: ""Compared to a pint of beer, a box of 12 condoms gives you more pleasurable time."

Speaking of beer...


Here's more Sunday funnies...

Husband and wife are shopping at Walmart.

The husband picks up a case of Budweiser and puts it in the cart.

"What do you think you're doing?" asks the wife.

They're on sale. Only $10 for 24 cans," he replies.

"Put them back. We can't afford them," admonishes the wife. They carry on shopping.
She picks up a $20 jar of face-cream and puts it in the basket.

"What do you think you're doing?" asks the husband. "It's my
face-cream. It makes me look beautiful," replies the wife.

"So does 24 cans of Budweiser, and it's half the price," he says.


A young woman came home from a date, rather sad.
She told her mum, "Anthony proposed to me an hour ago."
"Why aren't you happy but look so sad instead?" her mother asked.
"Because he said he is an atheist. He doesn't even believe there is a Hell." Her mother replied, "Marry him. Between the two of us, we'll show him how wrong he is."

A man ordered a voice-automated robot car.
It did anything he told it to do correctly, without any error.

One day, he was busy.

His wife told him to tell the car to pick up the kids from school as she was tired.

The man gave a command to the car: "Go and bring my children home from school."

The car went off but and did not return within the expected time.

The couple began to worry that something must have gone wrong.

But just as they were about to lodge a police report, the car got back.

"These are your children, sir." Inside were their landlady's two daughters, the choir mistress' two sons, his wife's best friend's daughter, their pastor's son and their neighbour's two sons.

The furious wife shouted, "Don't tell me all these ones are your children!!"

The man paused, then asked, "And can you tell me why our children are not in the car?"

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