Sunday, August 5, 2012

Durian eater discovered Law of Gravity but an apple eater lived to tell about it...

I have a hunch. I don't even dare to call it a hypothesis. The first person to discover the Law of Gravity was an unknown Ah Pek or Ahmad or Arimuthu somewhere in Southeast Asia, possibly in Singapore. Thing was, he did not live to tell us about it, unlike that other fella, Isaac Newton, who was also sitting below a tree. Our unknown friend, unfortunately, had sat below a durian tree.

Here's the basis of my conjecture...

There did not seem to be any durians on these trees here, in this park I came across while looking for houses with bamboo chicks.

But this picture below, found on the Net, clearly shows a durian tree with several of the spiky fruit still intact...

Cowpehcowbooland footnote: More of those cows I blogged about are popping up -- in several other locations in Singapore! And, yes, they still look happy even if they are all still "under surveillance". Even one that had fallen flat on its side.

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