Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Surabaya: Mount Bromo.

Angie and I were in Surabaya over the Hari Raya/National Day long weekend. Having seen online the awesome pictures of still active volcano Mount Bromo and sulphur lake volcano Mount Ijen, I told her we had to make the strenuous "pilgrimage" to these two scenic places while we were still "hip" -- ie, all-natural hips, before we needed hip replacements!

Because a spectacular sunrise (with hopes of comet-sighting) was promised for Bromo, it meant getting to the site by 3am -- after a bronco-like endurance ride in a four-wheel drive (speeding!) jeep up steep slopes. It was worth all that -- and the swarms of jostling people -- and I was going to show off the photos we took, until I came across this Daily Mail article that had stunning pictures and an incredible HD timelapse video clip by a photographer, Justin Ng:

The volcano at dawn: Spectacular pictures of the mountain spewing scarlet smoke over a desolate grey Sea of Sand


You can also watch Justin's amazing video (Mount Bromo HD Timelapse) from this link:



I'll blog about our Ijen experience tomorrow.

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