Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sleeping on the job zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Take a look at this headline... it appeared in today's ST (March 15), on page C18:

Hello... were the checkers sleeping on the job? It is a pretty big headline that stands out. So why couldn't the several layers of checkers spot the glaring spelling error? Ironically, the story itself is peppered with the word "respect" and "respectful" -- all correctly spelled:

Such mistakes are avoidable. Granted, on a busy night, approaching deadlines have to be met but no checker -- from sub-editor to supervising editor -- should just take a quick glance and hope someone else spots anything that's not right.

From misspelled word to fun with words, as in this Readers' Digest humour item:


I sometimes wonder if Singaporeans realise how small their country is. This ST map that accompanied a story on Indonesia's run-up to national elections should nicely put things in perspective:



Finally, back to sleeping on the job. March 14 (Friday) was World Sleep Day. Here's Homer Simpson doing his part:

In support of it, I sent a text message to several people with the message "Put a sign up to support World Sleep Day and tell your boss not to disturb you." I also learnt that there is a Singapore Sleep Society (hmmm... why not call it the Zingapore Zleep Zociety, or ZZZ). I wanted to (yawn) join the (yawn) society and I started to (yawn) write to... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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