Sunday, May 19, 2013

“To bleep or not to bleep?” is a mother&#*!er of a question...

No, I did not invent that header above. I was curious about a term called "typo-bleeping" and I had come across this amusing online article, "Adventures in Expletives". The article ended with that line. Here is the link:

What started me on this search? What if there were some qualms about the word "fart" in the final item I used in my blog entry yesterday?...

 In the hands of a !@£$$%^& typo-bleeper, the quote above might well have become:

Promises are like f**ts. They are earth-shattering when they are made, but feeble afterwards.

I think the earth-shattering impact of the actress' colourful choice of words would have been reduced to a feeble psssh! Well, here are more examples of typo-bleeping in action!


There was a recent newspaper article about young children who swore...


But, really, if we adults empower ourselves with a powerful vocabulary, we can get angry in a more classy way. Why use a certain word (or words, if you include an added adjective) when you can simply say "posterior orifice"? This letter-writer below failed to heed my advice:

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