Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Chiak pah buay? Let's bring back this so very Singaporean greeting!

I kept this for today (Oct 17):

It's a letter that reader Bill Chang sent to TODAY in August (extract below):

A birthday wish that everyone has eaten
Aug 11, 2012
From Bill Chang
Our nation has just celebrated its 47th birthday.

Within such a short span of time, we have transformed from a developing country into what it is now, a stunning success by any measure.

However, something is diminishing along with the progress: The way we used to greet each other by asking, "Have you eaten?"

We understand this not as an invitation to a meal but as a wish that everyone we meet has enough to eat.

While foreigners may find it weird, such a greeting represents the warmth and kindred spirit among Singaporeans. We are a small nation, and it would be a shame if these traits are lost.


Indeed, let's greet each other with "Chiak Pah Buay?" You have to use this original Hokkien rendition of "Have you eaten?"

When I lived in Australia as a postgraduate student, I sometimes reflexively greeted Aussie acquaintances with "Have you eaten?" They would look at me as if I had "gone tropo". Or, you could see their thought bubble forming: "None of your business, mate, unless you're buying me the meal!"

But here in Singapore, almost everyone -- from all races -- understands its felicitous intent. I am sure our new immigrants can easily pick it up too. So, "Chiak Pah Buay?"

The reply should be: "Chiak Pah Liow" (Yes, I have eaten).

PS. You don't necessarily need to have eaten. But if you want go stay truthful, then say "Aw Buay. Kam Siah." (Not yet. Thank you very much.)

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