Sunday, June 8, 2014

Live long and prosper? Not so simple...

What if you live long and fail to prosper? Worse, what if you live long, fail to prosper and wake up every day to a poor state of health (while being still mentally alert, of course)? What is the purpose of living long? Of "prospering" if you do live long? Ah, such "existential" questions.

Such contemplation seems apt since we are told life expectancy is getting longer. Retirees and those contemplating retirement -- aside from philosophically asking "What is the purpose of living?" -- might want to read this more prosaic BBC article below too...

Can retirement kill you?

Meanwhile, this guy here comes up with this pronouncement...

But he has useful advice...

Ah, so -- everything else being equal -- that looks like a roadmap to living well and prospering!

Clearly, the individual will have to play his or her part. Now for the other side of the equation. The Forum writer below has some good advice for the people who manage our CPF money:


Finally, this is also a piece of sound reasoning, on the political front...

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